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Kesempatan Kerja: (JV1911011) Branch Manager - Banjarmasin:PT Asuransi Bintang, Tbk


(JV1911011) Branch Manager - Banjarmasin - PT Asuransi Bintang, Tbk


(JV1911011) Branch Manager - Banjarmasin

PT Asuransi Bintang, Tbk

Min 3 years (Manager/adjunct Manager)

Indonesia - Kalimantan Selatan - Banjarmasin



Listing description
1. Menjalankan, mengarahkan, dan mengawasi seluruh fungsi di PoS untuk memastikan PoS beroperasi secara professional sesuai dengan program kerja tahunan, diantaranya mengelola budget sesuai perencanaan yang telah disetujui direksi, serta melakukan evaluasi kinerja tahunan
2. Memonitor segala aktivitas penjualan melalui tools yang disediakan, diantaranya SFA (Sales Force Automation)
3. Mengembangkan jumlah pelanggan dan jalur distribusi yang potensial , serta mengelola komunikasi yang efektif
4. Melakukan rekrutmen agen, development agen, dan monitoring penjualan agen
5. Menjalankan fungsi underwriting dan claim sesuai dengan kewenangan yang diberikan
6. Melakukan monitoring pada outstanding premi
7. Berkoordinasi dengan unit-unit kerja di kantor pusat
1. Memiliki gelar sarjana dengan minimal IPK 3,00 (lebih disukai memiliki A3IK sertifikasi)
2. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang asuransi dan 3 tahun di posisi managerial.
3. Memiliki sertifikasi K3
4. Memiliki teknik selling yang baik
5. Berorientasi target dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
6. Penempatan: Banjarmasin

WORK LOCATION View larger map / directions View larger map


Jl. RS Fatmawati No.32, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430, Indonesia


Average Processing Time

10 Days




Facebook Fan Page

Company Size

201 - 500 Employees

Working Hours

Regular hours, Mondays - Fridays

Dress Code

Business (e.g. Shirts)


Medical, Miscellaneous allowance, Education support, Loans, Dental, Parking, Vision

Spoken Language

Bahasa Indonesia




PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. is one of oldest public insurance company, established on March 17th, 1955 by numbers of ex-1945 independence heroes: Bapak Soedarpo Sastrosatomo, Bapak Idham, Bapak Wibowo, Bapak Pang Lay Kim, Bapak Ali Budiarjo, Bapak Roestam Moenaf, Bapak J.R Koesman and Bapak Ismet. While world business competition has become very tight, and globalization effect has entered into whole business sector, PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. keep standing itself through the insurance market which has celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2015.
Thanks to the practice, when a big flood disaster attacked Jakarta and its surroundings in early 2002, PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. has handled the massal assurance claim very well within short time. Also in settlement of Interm Payment claim about Terrorism & Sabotage at JW Marriot Hotel, PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. were doing excellent and within short time the hotel returned to its normal activity. Immediately before the end of 2006, PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. has done its first Limited General Bidding for gaining capital addition used to increase its capacity to the risk restraint. And then managed to step into Sharia Insurance Business in 2007. Interm Payment claim continously strengthen itself by get focus on the service as well as on the company’s infrastrucuture improvement.
Looking up how assurance market behave now, and later on, PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk. has determined the new mission, to be a leading assurance service provider in margin of profit, by means of adaptation capability, creativity, and technology.
In the course of our change and growth, We are seeking for dynamic and energetic people, highly motivated, strong responsibility, talented and committed People who possess strong interpersonal, recpect with others, and trusted with a continuous record of achievements to be a part of our spirit team to develop career at  PT Asuransi Bintang Tbk.


Be inspired every day
We’re perfectionists, idealists, and Visionaries. Being part of Asuransi Bintang is a job that requires a lot of you, but it’s also one that compensates bright, original thinking and smart working. We’re firm believers that every detail matters, creativity is everyone’s responsibility, and passion and drive trump practice.
We have a clear Vision:
To be the top Insurance Solution Provider in profitcapability by means of adaptation capability, creativity capability, and technology.

You’ll be challenged. You’ll be inspired. And you’ll be proud. Because whatever your job is here, you’ll be part of something amazing. Asuransi Bintang will be at the forefront of this: with great ideas, creative solutions and innovative products.

Company Values
   »Customer Focus
   »Trust & Respect


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Bahasa persyaratan:
Pekerjaan jenis:
Gaji: Tidak disebutkan
Akademik gelar: Unspecified
Pengalaman (tahun): Tidak disebutkan
pekerjaan lokasi: Banjarmasin , Kalimantan Selatan
perusahaan jenis majikan
Tanggal publikasi: 06/05/2024 / Viewed 1584 times
Informasi Kontak
perusahaan: PT Asuransi Bintang, Tbk

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