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October 05 2024     EnglishEnglish    IndonesianIndonesian

    Welcome Employer/Recruiter


Free Registration and Profile!

You can create your free account and your online profile.

Buy plans and feature your profile!

You can buy plans which will update your job posting number, featured jobs, resume contact view credits, and depending on your selected plan your profile may became featured and listed on the homepage.
Click here to view Planning options.

Buy additional job/featured job and resume contact view credits!

If your credits has expired and you don't whant to buy a new plan just for a single job posting or resume view, you can buy an additional job/featured job or resume view contact.

Invoicing system!

Every plan or additional job purchase is generating an invoice, which can be paid online or manually. This invoice can be payed (if not paid already), canceled, printed or reviewed(if already payed) at anytime from the system.

Daily/Weekly resumes by email!

You can receive daily/weekly resumes in email, matching your posted jobs.

Upload logo image!

You can upload your own logo image, displayed with the job details.

Modify your Online Profile!

You can modify your profile information at anytime, and publish it when ready.

Hide your contact information!

You can hide the information like address,email,phone,location to not be displayed to jobseekers when viewing your job. You can also hide this information with every job separately.

Post Jobs and renew expired jobs!

You can manage your job postings (edit, delete, duplicate) and renew expired/archived jobs.

Search Resume and Send Private Messages!

You can search our resume database and you can contact jobseekers.

Account Statistics!

Online statistics about the number of job you can post, number of featured job you can post, and the number of resume contact details you can view.
Online Statistics about how many times your jobs was viewed by jobseekers, total number of job applies received, expiration period etc.

My Inbox!

Job applies, and private messages are stored in this section of the site. You can view the private messages you have received from jobseekers, the private messages sent by you, the job applies you have received. You can also block(reject) the selected jobseekers to not be able to send you more private messages or job applies. You can ubclock them as well.

Bookmarked Resume!

While searching our resume database you have the option to save the interested resumes into your bookmark list and review it later.

Delete your Account!

You may delete your account and leave the system at anytime you wish. Your online jobs and profile will be automatically deleted from the database.

Click here to signup and create your account.

    Terbaru CV

 Tanggal publikasi   ringkasan 
06/11/2024 Lamaran Kerja 3D Designer
CV kategori : - Seni / Media / Komunikasi
lokasi saat ini : Gresik - Jawa Timur
 Tanggal publikasi   ringkasan 
05/13/2024 Tenaga profesional yang telah bekerja di industri kosmetik lebih dari 5 tahun dan berpengalaman dalam merancang, membuat produk skincare, haircare, bodycare dan profesional. Memiliki sertifikat Cara Pembuatan Kosmetik yang Baik (CPKB) BPOM
CV kategori : -
lokasi saat ini : Bekasi - Jawa Barat
 Tanggal publikasi   ringkasan 
03/30/2024 Nautika, Pelayaran
CV kategori : -
lokasi saat ini : Kota Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan
 Tanggal publikasi   ringkasan 
02/08/2024 A Person with work experience in company, internship/field project, and active in organizations. I have good analytical thinking and advanced communication skills. I’m also a quick learner, visionary, socializing and able to work underpressure as an individual as well as in team, proven by my experience being a leader in several organizations.
CV kategori : - Teknik
lokasi saat ini : Kab. Ogan Ilir - Sumatera Selatan
 Tanggal publikasi   ringkasan 
02/02/2024 Bisa bekerja secara tim maupun individu dan bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
CV kategori : - Teknik
- Bangunan / Konstruksi
- Lainnya
lokasi saat ini : BLORA - Jawa Tengah